Week Notes – Jan 01 to Jan 07 2024

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By Noisy Deadlines (noisydeadlines.net)

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Noisy Deadlines says:

Oh, how interesting! I didn't know it was a thing today (although once upon a time I used old typewriters, back in the late 80's).

Ridwan says:

Rather than going to top to bottom. The entry flow is from bottom to top like the typewriter. Once I used it on iA Writer, I was immediately hooked! This should be a standard feature! 😝

Noisy Deadlines says:

I also got the 5 year plan for Standard Notes 😆. Now I’m curious: what is the “typewriter” style writing?

Ridwan says:

I love Standard Notes. I remember reading about the app from one of your blog posts and got immediately hooked. I'm glad I'm locked into their 5-year plan. Thank you very much for recommending the app.

If there is one thing I could add to the Standard Notes app, it would be “typewriter” style writing. I'm so used to this feature on iA Writer, and I feel like all writing apps should have this feature by default.