Minimalism and considering Todoist again

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By Noisy Deadlines (

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Noisy Deadlines says:

That is wonderful! I love your minimalist one-notebook approach! :)
Thanks for the kind words!
Take care!

ttt/log says:

yes, pretty much. The leather notebook case/Dossier fits well in my back pocket, and is roughly the dimensions of a large smartphone. Definitely a benefit to have when volunteer tasks are being discussed at the Clubhouse Int'l location I volunteer at, as well as other matters pertaining to the day, as phone use is frowned upon when meetings occur. Also being able to check reminders and lists by simply OPENING the notebook, the equivalent of unlocking my phone, is about as fast as it gets! :)

The GTD posts are great, btw! Really enjoying them!

Noisy Deadlines says:

Hi, there! It's the first time I hear the term “Gonzo Journalism”, that's an interesting concept. Thanks for telling me!
Yeah, writing on paper is the most frictionless way to capture things. I go back and forth between being a paper note taker and a digital note taker. Right now, I'm in the middle. Although I prefer typing for some things, when it's time to capture a thought, paper is unbeatable, you're right!
So, do you have your Field Notes with you all the time to be able to capture things?

ttt/log says:

Hey ND! Yea I am all for minimalism, as well as minimalism in note-taking, but found that Gonzo Minimalism works best for capturing ideas, thoughts, list, etc.

HST used to describe Gonzo Journalism as a raw, unfiltered, chaotic form of direct record keeping – to get things down when and how he could, but he desired all of that to be put into a/the story, in a formal publication.

Keeping the Gonzo Method in mind, I do this with notes – reminders or monthly budgets or personal journal entries, or anything. I started with Field Notes notebooks and have a leather Dossier cover, as well as some loose black ink pens, and I can just jot and think (write) as I do without resistance. Incidentally, this translates to both less friction in thought/writing, and also more (productive) things being captured.

Just my two cents :)

Hope you're well!