Anonymous posts on

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By Jack Baty (

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Angelo says:

Since everything unpublished is otherwise only stored locally, anonymous posts are also the recommended way of getting a post draft from your desktop browser to the WriteFreely iOS app, for example.

Ridwan says:

This spoiler content idea is brilliant.

Honestly, I never thought about using Anonymous posts creatively other than drafting future posts.

Ivan says:

Yes, anonymous posts are pretty useful!

Tim Apple says:

I like the spoiler content idea. I'm sure there are a ton of other creative ways to make use of it.

Jack Baty says:

The other thing I like about the drafts is their universality

Tim, I'm with you. At first I was put off by how the posts were handled, but after using it I've come to like it.

Jack Baty says:

I would put the spoiler in an anonymous post and add a link to it in the blog post


Dino says:

I've used it to hold spoiler contents. Like for instance if I have a blog post on a TV show, I would put the spoiler in an anonymous post and add a link to it in the blog post. That way the spoiler itself is not in the blog post, but a link to it exists if people want to view it.

Tim Apple says:

This is a pretty nice feature; I use it for drafts mainly at this time. But I'm sure I could find some good uses for anonymized posts now and again.

The other thing I like about the drafts is their universality; I have three blogs in and when I suppose I want to post one, I can choose any of my blogs from that interface. So it makes things a little easier to manage.