Edgelands: neither here nor there

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By Matt (mattpedals.bike)

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Matt says:

Thanks davepolaschek and Stories from the Asteroids for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, and that you share my interest in edgelands.

I think your point about cycling being an activity on the edge is a good one, Stories from the Asteroids, which makes it a good way to explore edgelands.

davepolaschek says:

Thanks for posting this, Matt! It was a delightful read!

Stories from the Asteroids says:

I really liked this, and the pictures made me nostalgic for the city. Even all the small towns I've lived in have these too, though. There's something special about these places, a transitional realm like a urban faerie ring, right?

Since you like to roll on two wheels too, it also makes me think about how we see these places; how the way we travel interacts with our perspective on them. Then again, I've taken my bikes through anything I can roll them through, which breaks all kinds of anti-bicyclist social mores.

In a way bicycling feels like an activity on an edge, because we are not welcome among other pedestrians and to be fair we can go much must faster than any of them and further, but we don't fit among automobiles. I know it's not like this everywhere, but it feels like in many places there's a hostility to all pedestrians and the people who refuse to be pedestrians in some sense never end up seeing these places.