2024, lately

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By Matt ✍️ (write.as/matt/)

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Justin says:

Matt, I think you'd do well to get a team for support. I've hired a lot of software support folks over the years. You're looking at a rate of $15-25/yr depending on where they are located. Central and South America is a good place with incredible talent. I'm happy to explain more, share some contacts, etc. if you want to do a quick Zoom — let me know. As a founder, you need to be out of the weeds if you want things to progress. You have a great product here, I enjoy it every day. It needs you where you can have the biggest impact.

davepolaschek says:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for posting the update. I hope you can find a balance that will let you spend more time on feature work for write.as and less on support. A few of the support things seem like nagging problems that take a lot of time for little reward, and hopefully you can fix the underlying issues.

As for a search engine, while I wouldn’t mind having a search-engine available to search on my sites / blogs, I’m also fine using the “site:” modifier on Google or ddg to search my sites. Perhaps one of these days I’ll get around to wiring that up for my sites and post a snippet.

Thanks again for write.as. It’s been a useful way for me to get a few things back online this year after decades without updating them, so that’s been nice!